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The Double Diamond is a design thinking model that is used to guide the process of creating innovative solutions to problems. It was developed by the British Design Council and consists of four phases: Discover, Define, Develop, and Deliver.

The model is called "Double Diamond" because the process begins with divergent thinking, then converges to a specific problem definition, and then diverges again to explore potential solutions before converging once more on the final design.

Here's a breakdown of the four phases of the Double Diamond model:

  • Discover: In this phase, the goal is to gain a deep understanding of the problem or challenge at hand. It involves researching, observing, and immersing oneself in the context of the problem. The emphasis is on gathering insights, identifying patterns, and exploring different perspectives.

  • Define: Once a broad understanding of the problem is achieved, the next step is to define the problem more precisely. This phase involves synthesizing the information gathered during the discovery phase, identifying key insights, and framing the problem in a clear and actionable way. The aim is to define a problem statement that will guide the subsequent design process.

  • Develop: This phase focuses on generating ideas and exploring potential solutions. It involves brainstorming, prototyping, and experimenting with different concepts. The goal is to encourage divergent thinking and come up with a wide range of ideas. Prototypes are created and tested to gain feedback and refine the concepts further.

  • Deliver: The final phase of the Double Diamond model involves refining and implementing the selected solution. It includes detailed design work, creating a final prototype, and planning for the execution and delivery of the solution.

Overall, the Double Diamond model provides a structured framework for the design process, allowing designers and problem solvers to explore multiple possibilities and arrive at innovative and user-centered solutions.

The framework for innovation encompasses a set of principles that guide problem-solvers in their quest for effective solutions.

  • Human-Centric Approach: The design process begins by placing people at the forefront. It involves understanding the users of a service, their needs, strengths, and aspirations, to ensure that the solutions developed are tailored to their requirements.

  • Visual and Inclusive Communication: Effective communication plays a vital role in the design process. Employing visual and inclusive communication techniques helps create a shared understanding of the problem and ideas among stakeholders, fostering collaboration and engagement.

  • Collaboration and Co-creation: The power of collective thinking is harnessed through collaboration. By working together, drawing inspiration from diverse perspectives, and leveraging the collective intelligence of a team, innovative and impactful solutions can be generated.

  • Iterative Approach: Iteration forms a core component of the design process. By continuously refining and revisiting ideas, solutions can be improved, potential errors can be identified and rectified early on, risks can be mitigated, and confidence in the final outcomes can be built.

To address complex challenges effectively, it is essential to cultivate a culture that fosters innovation and collaboration.

This methodology has some resemblance with other model and can be applied in different fiel, such as Business design, UX design, Project design, Problem-solving solution…

Having a structured thinking path can be really useful in different side of our existence: it helps us to analyze, discover/investigate and do better in multiple occasions.

Especially during the last century, many frameworks were developed and implemented in different fields to help simplify life, job, thoughts… . The resemblance among them is uncanny because they all are based (or generated from) the same framework: the Double Diamonds.

Double diamond can be used to investigate and explain lots of behaviours and situations: let it help us to strategize our actions!

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